Well, this past Saturday, we had an amazing event occur.
With the leadership of Eric Muntz, a technology committee member and school parent, the installation of 19 brand new projectors and speakers was performed!
Over the course of several months and with the support of the technology committee, Eric had the formable task of managing the entire project of updating the audio and video systems in the classrooms which included designing, testing and implementation! Whoa! Big shoes to fill and he did so admirably! Thank you Eric!
We had approximately 20+ volunteers show up this past Saturday to help install the new projectors and speakers. Once Eric provided the foundation on how to install the projectors and speakers, the volunteers headed out to the classrooms! It was great to see the synergy of all the volunteers. Here are pictures of some of the hard working volunteers!
Was it perfect? By all means no...we had issues with wall material, drills and screws. But, all of us pulled together to get through these bumps and did so with flying colors!
A HUGE thanks to all the volunteers! We know you all worked hard (all day!) and we greatly appreciate it! And, of course, a MASSIVE thank you to Eric for managing all this!
And, finally, all of this effort would not have been possible without the GENEROUS donation of the projectors and speakers by the John and Dorothy Shea Foundation.
St. Philip's teachers, children and parents greatly appreciate all of the people involved in this effort.
"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed."
Proverbs 19:17